So you are the funny friend, huh?


These hilarious cards are perfect for the ever-loving  Sarcastic bride..

Cards courtesy of :

  • Other Occasion cards include:
  • “All I want is World Peace and a Pedicure”
  • “Meditating while Multi-tasking”
  • “There’s nothing a glass of Wine and a Flat Iron cant Fix”

Colorful shoes… umm…yes, please!

Ladies, like everything else, tradition no longer holds strong for typical weddings…..

Hence, the beautiful (colorful) heel!

Color is a great way to express what kind of bride you are.  In today’s weddings, adding color in places other than the reception/bridesmaid dresses is no longer  a faux-pas. It is the perfect way to show who you are in everyday life, as well as, show a little personality in a sea of  wedding season;)

If you like, use the colors from your bridesmaid dresses/wedding colors..or if you are feeling a little frisky, shake it up and use a color complementary to your colors –> Wedding colors: blue and white–> wear yellow shoes!

And the awesome thing is, you can actually wear them again! And think how snappy you will be after you slip on your old wedding shoes:) 

Of course, if you are the more traditional bride, white shoes are perfectly perfect as well (and Mom won’t have a heart attack when you pull out Hot pink Leopard shoes with your wedding dress).

Talk Nautical to me..

This awesome fashion trend is becoming an even awesome-r wedding theme.. 

I’m even thinking about doing it myself 😉  I cute would sailor-pinup bridesmaid be???