Photography Ideas: The Rings

A photography shot that most people forget about is the rings.  If you are like most brides you want to make sure your photographer gets a picture of your shiny, new wedding rings!  The traditional ring shot consists of your and your new husbands hands in front of your bouquet.  Although this can still be a beautiful picture, it is a little boring.  In order to make sure you get a creative ring shot discuss this with your photographer.  You can give them some ideas of what shots you like but also let them be creative.   If you are unsure what pictures you want, here are some of my favorite ideas!

Photo provided by Bowties and Bliss

For a simple ring photography shot, use your vows or other stationary as the background for the photo.  You can also place the rings on your favorite bible verse.

Photo provided by Dandelion and Grey

Another simple shot is to have your photographer shoot through the ring and capture an image of something else.  Love this photo where you get a glimpse of the bride and groom kissing through the ring.

Photo provided by Photography-On-The-Net
Photo provided by Bridal Guide

Some of my favorite shots are when the photographers choose items around the wedding to place the rings on.  This can include your cake topper, shoes, or even food!

Photo provided by Love and Lavender
Photo provided by DIy Wedding Bee
Photo provided by Beach-Productions

If you want to include you and your husband in the shot, look at cute these photos! The pinky swear is my favorite!

Photo provided by Amber Engfer Lifestyle Photographer
Photo provided by TX Weddings

I hope these photos have given you inspiration for your own unique ring picture!

Happy Planning!

Unique Ways to Display Photographs at Your Wedding

A great way to make your wedding personal and intimate is to display personal photographs!  Of course you can use framed pictures and place them around your reception (some use pictures on a mantle, escort card table, etc) but I have found some creative ways you can display your pictures that all of your guests will love.

One idea is instead of using frames you place pictures in mason jars.

If you don’t like mason jars or that doesn’t fit the style of your wedding any glass vase will work and give the same look.  Or you can take the pictures and cut them to form a cool shape…like a circle or a heart.  So cute!

If you are having a vintage theme, plates with black and white photos are a fun way to display old photographs.

You can still use frames in different shapes and sizes and hang them with ribbon.  Love!

Another idea is to have someone take Polaroids (or you can rent a photo booth) and have guests hang their pictures during the event.  Not only does this look awesome but it also makes every guest a part of the celebration. Who doesn’t love that?

A few ideas I saw for displaying pictures in a home but I think these would also be great for a wedding! Frames and wire or ribbon make a beautiful display!

What do you think about these ways to display your photographs for a wedding?  Let us know!

Happy Planning!

Picture Sources:,,,,,